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This is the analysis of the process I develop my final essay that aims to answer the course question: "how do Disney films contribute to the construction of society's values and norms about gender roles." Besides, it would include a reflection of my progress toward course objectives.

Planning and Exploratory Writing

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"Apply these reading skills to different kinds of texts" - This assignment was to find specific scenes in Disney Superheroes movies that reflected any gender roles. When I saw this scene, it quickly connected to what I heard frequently from our country's feminists that describe some men as "so ordinary but so confident." Developing the habits of making connections and pausing to make annotations enable myself to locate a few parts that talks about toxic masculinity of the main character. 

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"Develop Habits for Engaged Readings" - This assignment required us to define, explain, and connect the importance of "social construction" to the course question. It encourages us to come up with an example of social constructs in our life which I think help me develop good reading habits, especially in finding main ideas and making connections. 

Peer Review

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"Responsibility" - I think it is the best advice I gave because this is the first time I got 11/10 in peer review. The paragraph I picked has many parts needed to be improved, especially some that instructor has already said not to do. Therefore, I gave my suggestion more specifically so that maybe he could make some changes to save his grade. Giving advices to classmates on their drafts, to me, is more like a responsibility that to remind them some small mistakes they made which could affect their grades. 

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"Openness" - This is the one I found most helpful, because she gave some suggestions similar to the instructor's. It makes me to think about if my thesis is not clear in my introductory paragraph. Therefore, I separated the second paragraph to make my thesis stand out more to the audience.


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"Understand the Importance of Self-review" - In this section, I found out many parts that I made some sentences too long to understood. Besides, there are some parts I could make it more concise which I learned from practice session last weekend. Practicing self-review skill enables us to fully understand some mistakes we made while writing, which we may avoid it happening next time. 

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"Flexibility" - After taking the advices from classmates and instructor, I revised and narrowed my thesis to only one movie. However, after I placed my thesis to another place of the paragraph, I found it was not as smooth as before. Therefore, I made an annotation here to remind me thinking about what I should do to the thesis.


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"Develop Habit for Engaged Readings" - The image at the top is the original version of one of my introductory paragraphs. After changing my thesis from focusing on B&B and Iron Man to only Iron Man, I had more space in introductory paragraph to expand and strengthen my thesis of Iron Man. Therefore, I add the stats into my intro so that it makes my thesis more convincing. I did not realize the use of stats until I did the peer review on one of my classmates' essay which gives me an idea to add the stats in my essay too. 

Full Essay Link

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