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Writer's pictureShenglin Ye

Reflection of My First Week

Hello, my name is Shenglin Ye. I am from China and this is my 2nd year in UCI. I am interested in soccer, music and biology. I just submitted the application in order to change my major to biological science last month. Gender is one of my interested topic in sociology, so I am looking forward to go deeper in this writing class.

Previous Writing Class


My previous writing class is Academic English 20C. Our topic is about art. Since I took this class in spring 2020, this class was already a online class. One important thing I learned was to get used to a online writing class. Unlike last two quarter, self-study became extremely important in a totally online class. Making planner and manage my time help me fit in and get through this class. Another important thing is that I learned how to use UCI Library which was very helpful in my future writing.

Self Assessment


My weakness is that I found myself hard to write enough words for my essay if the topic was not interesting to me. Due to this weakness, I have to sometimes include some less related details in order to meet the minimum requirement. If the topic is what I am interested in, I can easily get to the minimum requirement. I think maybe my advantage is that I would not make too many Grammarly m

Language and Grammar Diagnostic at Connect


I received 94 in the quiz. I think my main problem is that I am not sure about if comma is needed or not in some situations. I did not expect that I could receive this high point since I have not done this kind of questions for half a year.

Core Elements of the Course


Syllabus includes what a specific question going to focus on this quarter: "How do Disney films contribute to the construction of society's values and norms about gender roles? Have these values changed over time?" The rest of the syllabus talk about the tools that are going to be used, policy, contact information, and how to do well in this class. Course objectives mainly explain how the course will improve us in writing, reading and speaking. Additionally, developing "Habits of Mind" and practicing collaboration would be two other main objectives. Grade contract has an introduction of what it is and why it is here. Then it describes the situation of how you would get B, higher than B, and lower than B. Besides, it also mentions the way of losing points and adding points.

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2 комментария

Vivian Vu
Vivian Vu
18 янв. 2021 г.

Hi Shenglin! I agree with you that when it comes to writing, it is only fun when you are actually interested in what you are writing about. I often struggle with writing about topics that are boring or on topic that I am not familiar with.


18 янв. 2021 г.

Hey Shenglin, I enjoyed reading your blog. When it comes to writing I feel like the subject itself is important because if it isn’t that interesting than how are you suppose to be able to meet word requirement for assignments. I myself feel like I have the same problem when it comes to writing about certain topics.

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