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Writer's pictureShenglin Ye

Week 6 "Healthy"

1. "The Hypermasculine Iron Man: A Man with a Heart"

It is an article posted in a personal website. The article focused on the masculinity that was portrayed in Iron Man and increasing role female played in the movie. First part, it mentions how Iron Man is using not only power but also brain to defeat the enemy. The second part, it illustrates how Tony Stark depends on Pepper in daily life. "Most significant in this film regarding gender roles, is the notion that the male must ask the female for assistance in the end. The woman is crucial to the hero’s success" points out a progress that female characters are becoming increasingly important. Since this article main talks about the gender roles, it could help me with the part that we discuss the growth of Tony Stark.

2. “Masculinity, Marvel-Style” Matt Cates

It is an article posted in Geeks written by Matt Cates. The article addresses many Marvel movies and connects them with masculinity. He discusses Captain America, Hulk, Black Panther, Iron Man, and Thor. I choose it because we will discuss Tony Stark, and the article gives me the idea of "Where we do see growth in terms of his masculinity, is his slow shift towards a monogamous relationship, when he discovers (over the course of several films) the value of actually letting himself be close to another person" which superhero's growth in masculinity (Cates).

3. “Feminism in the Princess and the Frog (2009) Part 2” Yasmin and Elena

It is a podcast on Google podcasts hosted by Yasmin and Elena. In part B, it analyzes how the gender roles are presented in the movie the Princess and the Frog, including the equal relationship between main male and female characters. What I found interesting was their analysis on second female character Charlotte, since they address how she symbolize the past Disney princess saying "We see that she is constantly looking for her prince and she says ‘I would kiss a hundred frogs so far to meet a prince and be a princess’ which reinforces wanting to marry a prince which is a classic Disney princess trope" (Yasmin & Elena).

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