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Writer's pictureShenglin Ye

Week 3 "Back on Track"


In the first three weeks, I think the part that develop my curiosity most is the readings in McGraw Hill. Following its reading steps helped me read the articles with questions and tried to look for the answers through the readings. Besides the articles offered useful and insightful ideas and information that related to what I am curious about: gender roles. Every time I read new articles, I noticed there were many things I did not realize before.


From the videos, discussions, and the articles, it gives more point of views about gender roles that are from female, instead of me, as male. Since gender role is a point that mostly we could only feel about one side due to the gender we have, it is important to know the role of the other gender by reading through their ideas and feelings.


I think through the McGraw Hill reading process, it did improve my engagement in reading. Additionally the discussion about the writing and video also helped me be more involved in each assignment.


By reading through different ideas, it always demonstrates me a new way to think of something. However, I am not sure if my creativity did improve in this three weeks through these readings and discussions.


I think my ability to sustain interest in and attention to short- and long-term projects always depend on how much I am interested in the topic. For gender role, I am very excited about it because this is one controversial thing that has always been argued online. Therefore, I would say my persistence still need to be improved in the future with different topics.


I would say my ability to adapt to situations, expectations, or demands remain constant, since my habit is always to see how my grade of assignment look like in the first week and then determine whether I remain the quality of my work or improve. It does not change much during the first three weeks.


I try to response everyone's writing carefully, but I admitted that I sometimes would try to do brief response when I had lots of other work. I should try to improve my quality of response to my classmates.

Metacognition (reflection)

I think my reflection did improve not only by doing this repeatedly but also through reading classmates' response and their writings.

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3 commentaires

Yian Lin
Yian Lin
01 févr. 2021

Hi Shenglin:

I agree on your opinions about "responsibility". Peer review is very important. Sometimes I did't realize my mistake until someone pointed it out in their responses. So try to improve the quality of your response and I believe that you will benefit from it.


31 janv. 2021

Hi, Shenglin! I highly agree with what you said about the “Curiosity” of our week 3 assignment, “Habits of Mind”. You said: “In the first three weeks, I think the part that develop my curiosity most is the readings in McGraw Hill”. I am just as same as you that after studying some assignments of McGraw Hill, my curiosity about a new article is improved the most.


Kai Wen
Kai Wen
31 janv. 2021

I can tell you are really engaged in those class readings, good to know!

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